The Drifters Legends "The Legacy Interview" was First published in 2018 and is now updated. Hosted by UK Radio presenter Ling Pang and former Drifters singer Butch Leake for Clubhouse Radio.
The Drifters Legends "The Legacy Interview" was First published in 2018 and is now updated. Hosted by UK Radio presenter Ling Pang and Butch Leake for Clubhouse Radio covers the importance of The Drifter's Legacy.
The Drifters Legends (The Early Years) The Drifters as noted has been one of the most unusual stories in musical entertainment. Notably, its ever-changing lineup over the years has also labeled the group as being of unstable ...
A unique look at the early birth period of the legendary Atlantic Recording group featuring Clyde McPhatter.
The Drifters (Anatomy Of The Brand)
The Drifter Wars (The Atlantic Bell Arista Years}
The Drifters Legends (An Historical Backdrop) Hosted/Narrated by Butch Leake